"We decided to continue the experience and knowledge we have gained as a result of our work in pet shop supply and distribution processes for many years by opening a store where our main customer is our Little Friend. With this line, we established our store named Eda Petshop in Ankara in 2010. We always provide the best service and We acted with the slogan of providing the most affordable prices in the fastest way. During this period, we have proven with hundreds of our customers that we are just a phone call away from every region of Ankara with the alomama service. Now, a request received during the day can be delivered within Ankara on the same day and at the door. We have an advanced network that allows you to pay by cash or credit card. Just ask and we will bring it to your door.We opened cabukmama.com in 2012 in order to serve more animal lovers and Little Friends in todays conditions. Our site has developed over time and has become up-to-date. You do not need to just shop at cabukmama.com, where we strive to maintain the understanding of the cheapest price and best service within the framework of competition. You can send us any questions you may have. We will try to answer as soon as possible. We do not sell petshop products among many other products like our other competitors. Our only and best known business is Petshop and our only customer is our Little Friends.Cabukmama.com family"